Monday, April 13, 2009

Why Celebs Tend to Cheating?

What do you think Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Hugh Grant, Jude Law, Bill Clinton, and Ashley Cole have in common? They all celebrities and public figures, that's right. But also, they were all caught cheating on their spouses. Although I mention only male celebrities, female celebrities do their fair share of cheating as well.

Granted, celebrities are in the public eye and it may be fair to say that they are constantly under a microscope, but it is rare to read about celebrity couples who stay together for years, couples like Courtney Cox and David Arquette, and John Travolta and Kelly Preston, or for younger generation like Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michele Gellar.

The happy couples: Travolta-Preston, Arquette-Cox, Prinze-Gellar

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston, author of Is He Cheating On You?, cites several reasons why celebrities may be tempted to cheat:

1) peer pressure- celebrities are constantly surrounded by willing fans, and may be encouraged to cheat by their peers
2) ego- some celebrities married to more famous celebrities may be tempted to cheat in an effort to draw attention to themselves
3) entitlement- the very fact of their celebrity may make some celebrities feel as if it is their “right” to do as they please, without consequence (indeed, some may feel, if they do get caught, that any press is better than no press)
4) impunity- celebrities may cheat because they feel that their spouse will stay with them “no matter what” because of who they are
5) revenge- celebrities who have been cheated on may themselves cheat to get revenge
Although we may often wish that we could attain the lifestyle that so many stars enjoy, perhaps in this area we can count ourselves lucky-few celebrities seem to be “lucky in love”, despite their material wealth.